Guess Who’s back, back again…

Hello again,  I’m writing with eyes full of water. No not tears. Allergies. Why me, Why me? Anyway, Apologies it’s been so long. I’ve been on the rat race. A ‘normal’ job. I’m not sure if it was this job in particular, but this one hit differently. I was a…

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Your First Lockdown

Your first Lockdown As we get closer to being released back into the wild, we might start to reflect on the past 3 months. Time that felt like it would never end, has suddenly crept up on us, and we are now adapting and thriving in new ways.  Lockdown has…

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Time for Change

Make that change I like people, I’m a social butterfly, people give me energy and inspiration.  I hate people, I love being alone, people drain me and give me despair. This virus is differentiating these people easily right now. I have been isolated for 8 days just leaving the house…

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Blog- Depression, It’s not me, It’s you

Depression- Its not me, Its you “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not in fact surrounded by assholes” A quote by the notorious psychologist Sigmund Freud. This topic has been on my mind for a while now since the cancer days, because…

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